Costume Design

This was a prototype for a gladiator helmet with a twist...I created this using a thin tin sheet, molding each piece to fit the head...the arm cuffs were made to compliment the merchandise shown, a dress from Italian designer Patrizia Pepe.

For Daffy's 50th birthday, they wanted to highlight "50 years of gifting" in the holiday window that year. The concept was a celebratory nostalgic Vegas feel with showgirls holding cigarette trays containing small gift items...above is the costume I created for the window..her headpiece was later fitted with the words" Gifts Under $10"

 This is a group I created for a Holiday window, based on the idea of the "re-invention of gifting". I was asked to create a new spin on the inexpensive gift items we think about giving during the holidays...We settled on boxer shorts and gloves for the men, slippers and pajamas for the ladies, holiday socks, and throw pillows to support our Home dept. I then took these different pieces of merchandise and began creating these novelty costumes for the mannequins.  The biggest challenge was then hand creating at least ten of each costume so every company store had them! Whew!

Here are some examples of how I got started..

This flirty little number is made from slippers and fleece Pj's

This was the final "Sock Dress"

This was the prototype I created for the "Sock Dress"...For the final versions I used Christmas Socks(shown above)

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